Hi there and welcome, I noticed that you are
coming from the madebyuppercut.com tutorial.
You might be interested in a new tool I created specially to make GPX files for Xcode and Android development environments.
Maps GPX
This tool accepts a link to pre-made Google Directions and converts them to a GPX file. This file can be uploaded and used in sat-nav and GPS units.
This tool is built by a GPS amateur, please treat the output with scrutiny.
March 2025
Due to high level of malicious traffic the service is temporarilly suspended. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please consider donating to keep this service alive and free to all.
* You can also use shortened urls, e.g. https://goo.gl/maps/bWmHpSmnWGE2
Are you developing mobile applications ?
I have a new tool designed to convert complex Google Maps direction routes into replayable GPS routes to use when developing location aware applications.
Works with Xcode, Eclipse, Android Studio and Visual Studio.
Take me there
I also have a tool for www.strava.com GPX export, go to mapstogpx.com/strava